Saturday, December 31, 2011

12-31-11 grateful for today

1. My adorable dog
2. Waking up naturally
3. Paying bills
4. Cleaning and Laundry
5. Breathing
6. My Life, all of it
7. Movies that touch my heart
8. Chanting
9. Honoring and expressing my emotions
10. Unconditional love.

My dog wanted his own grateful list today:
1. My person being home today
2. My toys and my person playing with me
3. Crawling under covers
4. Running
5. Napping in the late morning . . . and again in the afternoon
6. Lying in the sun
7. Walks with my person
8. Scratches and pets and lying on my person
9. Being in only this moment
10. Barking

There's a lot I can learn from my dog's list. If I lose touch of what gratitude feels like, if I over analyze and get into my head about what it means or why it's on my list or start getting lost on what "should" be on my list rather than what I feel grateful for, I watch my dog find and lie down in the small patch of sun coming through the window. I can see his gratitude, he is so grateful it comes out of him in a peaceful thankful way as he lies down and enjoys the sun on his fur.
Love and Light.

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