Monday, June 2, 2014

6-2-14 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  A gorgeous summer day
3.  A long hike in the mountains
4.  My car running well
5.  My apartment
6.  My comfy bed
7.  Finding everything at the store for taco soup
8.  Choices and responsibility
9.  Living in North Georgia
10.  Unconditional love

I'm writing this at the end of the day as opposed to my usual morning writing.  It was a lot easier tonight and I believe it's because I had a wonderful day, especially my time outside hiking around the mountain.  Some things that I needed to get done got done, and other things I needed did not get done.  I guess I'm stuck on getting everything done in one day.  It's not possible for me and I exhaust myself, or I never start because it's way too much to do.  When I spread it out over the week, I forget stuff, or don't get things done before deadlines or when they need to be done and I hurt myself or others.  It's life.  If I had it all figured out . . . . what?  Nobody's ever had it all figured out so why try to imagine what it would feel like.  Just feel what I'm feeling now.  Keep breathing in and out.  I'll live to tomorrow and the next day.  Love and Light.

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