Monday, April 8, 2013

4-8-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Therapy session
3.  Sleeping
4.  Dreaming and visions
5.  Peace
6.  Safe inside
7.  Unconditional Love
8.  My car running well
9.  Walking and Breathing and Awareness
10.  Endless possibilities in every moment

Yesterday during Quaker Meeting I had a vision.  I'll try to describe it the best I can in words and know that it came to me in feelings, images, sensations, and knowings.  It was the knowing that long ago there was no separation between Heaven and Earth.  There was no difference between them, they were not created yet.  And then out of that Oneness, Heaven and Earth were created.  They were both of the Oneness and still felt the Oneness, the Universe they are held in, and they felt separated.  They longed to communicate with each other, Heaven with Earth and Earth with Heaven.  And a lot of thoughts came to me at the same time, different knowings and feelings of this story along different tracks and one track I was opening my chakras, like I'd been taught in meditation.  Reach down into the earth and bring up earth energy to open them one by one starting with the base one.  When reaching the crown and all of my chakras are open, I then let in Heaven's Light from above and Earth Energy from below and they connect in my heart chakra.  It was this and feeling this, and feeling this openness and connection and communication, I realized all that is on the surface of the earth was created so that Heaven and Earth could connect with each other.  Through people, trees, plants, animals, birds, dogs, all created naturally is how Heaven and Earth connect and communicate and love each other.  I am at peace knowing this.  Humans have the hardest time keeping this conduit of love open.  Love and Light.

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