Monday, April 29, 2013

4-29-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  The Light
3.  Beautiful sky and day
4.  My car running well
5.  Creativity and talent
6.  Beauty in everything
7.  Chanting
8.  Sleeping
9.  Breezes and light rain
10.  Endless possibilities in every moment

I've been sick for 10 days now.  I have some sort of infection because what I cough up is discolored (gross!!).  Being grateful is hard because what I need is rest and staying home and recouperating, and according to our societal/work/money rules, I have to go to work because of allocated sick rules and payment and money rules.  I am grateful that I have an understanding boss and a flexible work schedule and I set my own deadlines and work to get done.  As long as everything gets done, they don't mind when I do it or what I do to get it done.  I need rest.  Love and Light.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

4-25-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Noble friends
3.  Sleeping
4.  Chanting
5.  Apple/Mac products and programs
6.  Choices and responsibility
7.  Endless possibilities in every moment
8.  Honoring all my emotions
9.  Napping
10.  Reading a good book

Not much else to say today.  I went home sick from work.  Feeling miserable, physically and emotionally.  The Light always knows where I am, even when I can't see it.  Love and Light.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

4-24-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Therapy
3.  Sleeping
4.  Chanting
5.  My car running well
6.  Endless possibilities in every moment
7.  Unconditional Love
8.  Openness
9.  Speaking my Truth
10.  The Light

I have been mildly sick with a cold since last Saturday.  A lot of feeling run down and generally ill.  The one thing that is annoying is this low-grade headache that doesn't seem to go away.  I'm not one to usually get headaches, its a rare occurrence for me.  Even in my dream last night, I had a headache.  I'm grateful that I have an understanding and caring boss and that I can do some easy things at work that aren't too concentration intensive, so I can relax a bit while I'm at work.  My life, when I slow down and look at it, has become in a space that's pretty relaxed and easy.  I'm the one getting worked up about every little thing.  I'm the one making my dirty cluttered house into an intense emotional wreck.  I get up, walk the dog, go to work, come home, walk the dog, and watch a movie.  Pretty easy.  It's just that I have a lot more going on emotionally than that.  Maybe that's why my days look so mundane.  Love and Light.

Monday, April 22, 2013

4-22-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Taking time for myself
3.  Sleeping
4.  Chanting
5.  Meditating
6.  Running out of watching minutes on Netflix
7.  Regrouping
8.  Centering
9.  Speaking from my heart, the Light
10.  Unconditional Love

I have been sick all weekend and I'm feeling better today and I still took a sick day.  I'm learning to "finish up".  Most of my projects I get close to the finish, I can see the end, see the light at the end of the tunnel . . . and I stop.  I do something that screws it up, that prolongs it, or I just drop it and wander to the next project to start.  I do that when I'm sick.  I'm feeling better and I used to push it, I used to go back to work or do something when I needed that final day to rest to get completely over it.  Today, I took the day.  I took the day to rest, to completely recuperate, to finish off my cold.  I look around and see other unfinished things, just one or two steps from being done.  If I never complete the steps, I will never be able to move on.  I need to move on.  Love and Light.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

4-18-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Flexible schedule at work
3.  Music
4.  Chanting
5.  Sleeping
6.  My car running well
7.  Unconditional Love
8.  The Light
9.  Sushi
10.  Friends

I feel lighter today and feel I have more Light shining through me.  Interesting that months ago when I was in a very dark place inside myself, depressed, and I felt desperate for friends, for someone to take me out of my darkness, there was not much interaction with my friends.  There were connections and my noble friends would suggest how I could take care of myself.  I can see now, looking back, that I chose to stay in my dark place.  I did work and get myself out of it.  Now that I'm open to more of my own Light, I have several requests and dates set for getting together with friends.  They are always there, my friends, just like the Light.  It was hard to remember when I was in the dark and couldn't see The Light, that the Light always knows where I am.  Love and Light.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

4-17-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  My car running well
3.  All my emotions
4.  Sharing honestly
5.  My wonderfully creative job
6.  Journaling
7.  Silence
8.  Unconditional Love
9.  Forgiveness
10.  Endless possibilities in every moment

Today was a day.  It started out with issues dumped on me as I walked through the door.  My boss trying to talk to me about an issue (that could have waited) while I was live switching and controlling 4 cameras at an event (very hard to do even without trying to hold a conversation).  After being brain fried all morning, I had trouble getting my brain to work to be able to teach my intern how to edit a documentary together.  And then a therapy session after all that.  My day was amazing.  And there are endless possibilities in every moment.  AND endless perspectives in every moment.  I was definitely heading down the belief track of "bad day today" that leads to the pit of "life sucks".  My turning point was therapy.  I decided to be open and willing, and an amazing opening and revelation happened for me.  I had to slog through some hurt and tears and fear to get to it, and I stayed open and willing.  I need to bring that openness and willingness to every experience.  I need to express (if only to myself) when I'm scared and hurt.  A huge weight has been lifted off of me today, and I am grateful.  Love and Light.

4-16-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Endless possibilities in every moment
3.  Easy hair
4.  Music
5.  Friends
6.  Breathwork
7.  Creativity

First time I was unable to come up with 10 things.  Depressed.  Love and Light.

Monday, April 15, 2013

4-15-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  My brother
3.  My car running well
4.  Endless possibilities in every moment
5.  Talent and ability
6.  Unconditional Love
7.  The Light
8.  Meditation
9.  Chanting
10.  Nature, trees, sun, moon

I'm anxious today.  I overslept this morning.  I was an hour and a half late, and it doesn't bother anybody here.  So, I guess I really wasn't late.  I'm anxious, I have an interview to shoot later this afternoon.  It's not an interview, it's a customer testimonial.  I need to get the customer comfortable being in front of the camera and then talk about my company in a positive way.  I let them talk and then I need to look at it later and edit it down to 30 seconds for a commercial.  I need to come from a place of love with this.  If I am anxious, I am coming from a place of fear.  I'm afraid I won't be good enough, I'm afraid that the customer will be afraid and not look good in front of the camera.  I need to come from place of love.  I love what I do.  I'm grateful my boss is coming with me to run the camera so I don't have to do everything.  I love that we are shooting in a park out in nature.  Fill myself with love and let my heart lead me and the customer will be calm and all will go well.  Refocus my perspective on what I do all day.  Love and Light.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

4-14-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Quakers
3.  Chanting
4.  Meditation
5.  Nature, wind, sun, moon, trees
6.  Washing machine and dryer in my house
7.  Creating sacred space
8.  Innocence
9.  Unconditional Love
10.  That of the Light in every person and every thing.

In meditation this morning, and again at Meeting today, I struggled with connecting to the Light.  I struggled to feel Spirit flow through me, to feel the unconditional Love of the Universe, of God.  I was resisting it.  That seemed very strange to me that I was resisting was I very desperately wanted, connection with The Light.  To know and connect with that of God within me.  I resisted.  It didn't make sense.  I was feeling angry and resistant, I felt as the child having a temper tantrum because she is so very tired.  So very tired trying to understand this world and people, trying to understand the pain and terror that she grew up within.  I let go, I let myself feel anger and the pain and terror that came up behind it, I let go.  And I heard a voice saying one word over and over:  "Innocence, Innocence, Innocence "  To connect with the Light that is in all I need to let go of my past having a terrifying grip on my present moments.  Not forget.  Never forget.  I need to let go and step into the present with my Innocence.  With fresh eyes and an open heart to feel compassion and love now in this moment.  For a long time I felt I had lost my innocence at a very young age.  I had believed it was one of those things that when it was lost, I could never get it back.  I've learned that innocence is a feeling, well not quite, more like an openness, not quite that either, maybe the better words are a way to feel open.  I have innocence, I embody innocence whenever I choose to look at something fresh, when I choose to experience something or witness an experience with no judgement whatsoever.  NONE.  Try it, it's not easy.  Catch yourself as soon as you have a feeling or thought that says this is good or bad, this is beautiful or ugly, if you have any thoughts or feelings that start to separate the experience from what it is into boxes or categories or definitions.  Maybe this is what the mystical masters mean to have "a beginners mind".  Innocence.  Love and Light.

4-13-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Sleeping
3.  Chanting
4.  Meditating
5.  Unconditional Love
6.  Creating sacred space
7.  Thunderstorms and rainy days
8.  Pictures, drawing, coloring
9.  The Light
10.  Endless possibilities in every moment

I made the list and left it up on my computer all yesterday.  Didn't find anything interesting to say.  Love and Light

Friday, April 12, 2013

4-12-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  My brother
3.  My car running well
4.  Sleeping
5.  Headphones
6.  Music
7.  All my emotions
8.  Honor
9.  Light and Love
10.  My body, fingers that can type, feet that can take me where I want to go

After several days in a row of getting up with my first or second alarm, this morning I had a snoozefest.  Hitting the snooze for almost an hour and a half.  I skipped my morning rituals (chanting, meditating, journaling) as I didn't want to have to stay late at work tonight.  I intend to do them when I get home from work and set my intention that they will set the tone for a very cleansing spiritual evening and weekend.  I feel exhausted right now.  I set my intention to have an enjoyable, productive day at work and remember to take a lot of deep breaths.  Love and Light.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

4-11-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  My car running well
3.  Sleeping
4.  Breathing
5.  Supportive Friends
6.  Unconditional Love
7.  Happy Hour
8.  Text messaging
9.  Endless possibilities in every moment
10.  The earth

I am tired today.  I didn't sleep well last night and had a hard time getting to sleep.  A hard time getting to bed.  I had too much coffee yesterday.  I can tell I'm addicted to the stuff again.  It always tastes uncommonly good, even the crappy stuff at the office they give us for free.  That was my downfall, it's free at work.  Yes, let me blame my lack of willpower and default laziness on work giving it's employees a perk that a lot of companies don't give.  Free coffee and tea.  Now I'd be better off drinking tea.  I'm usually drinking something hot because they keep the offices colder than I like.  But the tea I would have to put the tea bag in the hot water (it comes out boiling hot out of one of those dispenser things, so that's convenient) and wait for it to steep and cool a bit before drinking.  The coffee is in one of those thermos carafes and just pump it out and it's ready to go.  I even only get half a cup and fill the rest up with hot water.  And it still is tasting really good.  I'm addicted.  I'm also really tired today so this seems to be rambling around.  I will wrap it up now.  Love and Light.

Monday, April 8, 2013

4-8-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Therapy session
3.  Sleeping
4.  Dreaming and visions
5.  Peace
6.  Safe inside
7.  Unconditional Love
8.  My car running well
9.  Walking and Breathing and Awareness
10.  Endless possibilities in every moment

Yesterday during Quaker Meeting I had a vision.  I'll try to describe it the best I can in words and know that it came to me in feelings, images, sensations, and knowings.  It was the knowing that long ago there was no separation between Heaven and Earth.  There was no difference between them, they were not created yet.  And then out of that Oneness, Heaven and Earth were created.  They were both of the Oneness and still felt the Oneness, the Universe they are held in, and they felt separated.  They longed to communicate with each other, Heaven with Earth and Earth with Heaven.  And a lot of thoughts came to me at the same time, different knowings and feelings of this story along different tracks and one track I was opening my chakras, like I'd been taught in meditation.  Reach down into the earth and bring up earth energy to open them one by one starting with the base one.  When reaching the crown and all of my chakras are open, I then let in Heaven's Light from above and Earth Energy from below and they connect in my heart chakra.  It was this and feeling this, and feeling this openness and connection and communication, I realized all that is on the surface of the earth was created so that Heaven and Earth could connect with each other.  Through people, trees, plants, animals, birds, dogs, all created naturally is how Heaven and Earth connect and communicate and love each other.  I am at peace knowing this.  Humans have the hardest time keeping this conduit of love open.  Love and Light.

Friday, April 5, 2013

4-5-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Friday
3.  Rain and thunderstorms
4.  Physical and spiritual cleansing
5.  Every new moment
6.  Endless possibilities in every moment
7.  Unconditional love
8.  The Light
9.  Connection
10.  Art, drawing, coloring

I'm happy it is Friday.  I'm feeling calm and peaceful.  And also strangely unmotivated.  I don't really want to do any work at work.  I thought that when I'm calm and peaceful and centered, that I'd be able to work on projects in calm way, going through step by step and not with my normal anxiety or judgement wondering if I'm doing this step correctly and 5 steps ahead planning on what I'm going to be doing.  I believe balance is the key word.  There is this training and needing to be fully in the present moment, if I dive too deeply in the present moment with no thought to the next step, what's the point of me doing the step now to get to my goals.  My goals don't exist in the present moment?  Maybe I'm going too far with this or too literally.  Maybe I'm to be fully in the present moment, engaging all of my capacity and ability in the present moment and my current task, while still being aware at the periphery of goals and my guided path ahead.  Fear Pushes, Vision Pulls.  Surrender to this path, and Dream of where I could go.  Love and Light.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

4-4-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Connection
3.  Hug
4.  My car running well
5.  Being in my heart
6.  Excitement
7.  Unconditional Love
8.  Silence
9.  All my emotions
10.  Honoring mine and others feelings

I've been taking the time before I do any job, like cleaning the kitchen, or folding the laundry, I take time to center myself, and move into my heart.  Some might call it praying, some might call it a quick meditation.  Quakers call it centering down.  Me, I don't know if I have name for it yet.  I stop become silent, check into my standing alignments from my Tai Chi practice, I let go of whatever else I was thinking or doing before.  I try to get myself into this present moment and fully focused on what I'm about to work on so that I'm fully present with it.  I also say out loud my intention and what exactly I'll be doing.  For example, this morning I paused by my kitchen doorway, centered, and said aloud "I'm going into my sacred kitchen to prepare my breakfast and lunch, I'm preparing loving nourishment for myself."  This is still very new to me, I've been doing this a couple of days, and I forget before a lot of tasks as I'm creating this as a new habit.  I like it so far.  Love and Light.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

4-3-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Chanting
3.  Meditation
4.  Being transparent
5.  Therapy session
6.  Living in my heart
7.  Endless possibilities in every moment
8.  My car running well
9.  Sacredness
10.  Unconditional love

I woke up this morning and first thing (after snoozing for 5 times), I stood up and put my hands in prayer position and thanked my alarm for getting me up and thanked the time I have in the morning to create a sacredness around me for me to go through my day.  This is something new for me.  I needed to change how I was getting up because I was snoozing and getting up later and later, and getting to work later and later.  My excuse was that nobody is paying attention or cares when I get to work.  Which is true.  I needed to be back in integrity with myself.  This is a new process so that I get up with the first alarm, stand in gratitude and prayer/centeredness, feel connected to The Light, to everything.  I am grateful for the Quaker retreat I was able to attend for 5 days.  I feel I have shifted and I am more grounded on the earth and more open to the Light that flows through everything.  Love and Light.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

4-2-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  Sacredness
3.  Color Correction tools
4.  My car running well
5.  Noble friends
6.  Learning new things
7.  Hugs
8.  Unconditional Love
9.  Relaxation
10.  Silence

I learned Color Correction through some really good tutorials on  I am so grateful to have this explained as I had not been paying attention to my lighting when I was shooting last month.  I could give a whole story and excuses as to why I shot it without fixing the lighting.  Straightforwardly, I was grumpy and I didn't take the time to bother with it.  I was in self-sabotage mode, so I sabotaged myself.  I felt vulnerable when I set up the camera and shot and didn't want to move the people to a better lighted area, because I picked the first area without thinking about it first.  Anyway, I looked at the footage and was dreading having to reschedule with the people to shoot them again, I didn't want to do that.  So I am very grateful to learning color correction and the steps that made the process easily understandable and easy to do.  My footage looks much better.  Love and Light.

Monday, April 1, 2013

4-1-13 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  My car running well
3.  The Light, holding me, loving me
4.  Knowing I am always safe
5.  My hands
6.  My feet
7.  Being in this present moment
8.  Sharing openly with integrity
9.  Unconditional Love
10.  Endless possibilities in every moment

I found myself slipping backwards as I drove closer to home away from my spiritual retreat.  I found myself turning away from Spirit/The Light out of habit as I got home.  That's how I left the place I live, turned away and severely depressed and struggling.  I watched myself go back to how I had been when I left because that's that habit that I formed in that place.  I have been working hard to keep my connection to God open.  I need to create sacred practice of keeping myself open to the Light in my home and in my office.  That is my work.  That is my priority.  All else will fall into place.  Love and Light.