Saturday, September 1, 2012

9-1-12 grateful for today

1.  My adorable dog
2.  My car running well
3.  Choices and responsibility
4.  Tai Chi
5.  Strength and Courage
6.  Friends
7.  Compassion
8.  The Light
9.  Compassion
10.  Coming from a place of love

I chose to come into work today.  Yesterday evening while working late, I was deep in my "victim consciousness" where I make and see the world as out to get me.  It was my boss giving me the older computer and moving the project I normally use his computer onto mine was for the purpose of making my life more complicated and harder.  (just like the previous sentence).  I was blaming the hard drive for not being big enough, the computer not being fast enough, my brain for not checking for space on the hard drive before crashing the computer, the marketing people upstairs for not being clear in what they wanted.  I was mad and frustrated and hurt and sad and scared.  And while driving away, I realized that I had created that entire experience to be what it was.  And yes, it was all that . . . . AND MORE.  The more was that this was life and growing pains of trying something new.  My boss and I both wanted the project on my computer because we were running into scheduling problems with both of us using his.  This was the first time doing the project on mind and I found out that I need more hard drive space and I need to get started on it earlier.  There is learning and lessons.  And while driving away I realized that I am not going to get fired for this, that it's not really a big deal that I don't have the new programming done.  Things will continue to flow.  I chose to come in to work on a Saturday so that my computer would be free on Tuesday to do editing and not continuing to render these shows that needed to be done yesterday.  I'm not sure if this is really conveying my peace and confidence of taking responsibility of my choice, of realizing it is MY CHOICE to come in today.  And viewing it this way from a place of personal power, frees me up to work on my own projects while the shows are rendering rather than spending my time waiting and fuming that "I'm stuck here at work on a Saturday."  Now its time for me to work on my stuff.  Love and Light.

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