1. My Joyful Business Coach
2. Tax Refund
3. Relaxation time
4. Day off from my "good enough" job!
5. Life and experiences
6. Asking for what I want without attachment
7. Flowing with life
8. Enjoyment of all experiences
9. Knowing gifts are everywhere
10. Compassion
Flowing with life. I had an excellent session with my business coach this morning. It was insightful to me to learn that when I'm doing what I'm passionate about, it doesn't feel like work. I can go 10-12 hour workdays when it is a project I am really turned on about. My relaxation doesn't HAVE to be sitting on my balcony with a cup of tea feeling the air move around me. I can be relaxed by going through my journals, I can relax re-organizing my personal growth notebook. I've learned that relaxing to me is NOT watching TV or movies. It's enjoyable. It's something I like and when the show or movie is really good, I really love to do. I know now that I'm not relaxed when I do it. I'm not everybody. It always amazed me that some people can sleep with the TV on. To them I would guess that it is relaxing. Doing something calming that nurtures me is relaxing. Listening to music, really listening and picking out the instruments and melodies and counter melodies and supporting "voices" of instruments is relaxing to me. Playing music is relaxing. Yes, and sitting in nature and just feeling the natural energy around me is relaxing.
What's interesting as I write this is that the things that are relaxing for me are also inspiring. That's an interesting connection for me to make. I'm not sure where this connection is going to take me and I'm open to following it. Am I more inspired and creative in a relaxed state than a frenzied one? I am, at this point in my life, attracted to activities that are more grounding for my energy than excitable. For instance, Tai Chi, Meditation, Chanting, this blog. It's weird, a thought just came to me: "I am the balance of imbalance." I'm not sure what that means. My passion is to be in the television/movie industry. That is my passion and I love to create movies and (hopefully soon) some webisodes and TV series. On the other side of that is that I have an addiction to TV. I have unplugged my TV for months at a time knowing that I was using it to abuse myself. And I know that movies and TV shows have the ability to reach millions to educate them (PBS, History, Discovery) or to inspire them and give hope (Pursuit of Happyness) and to move people and point out the shadow sides of our society and lead people to spirituality (Avatar). My intention is to create fulfilling pieces that bring light into this world. When watching your next TV show, maybe ask yourself, what is your intention in watching this show? What do you expect to get out of it? If you can stretch yourself, maybe ask, what was the intention behind the creation of this show?
That's my 15 minutes!
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